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Volunteer Opportunities


Social Media

If you enjoy making posts and have knowledge of multiple forms of social media and how they operate, this I for you! We are looking for people to create and manage a social media strategy. You will also get to interact and build relations with our followers!

Click here to sign up!



We’re looking to make and distribute flyers to inform the community that may not have the ability to access our online information. If you are interested or have experience creating flyers we could use your help!

Click here to sign up!



We need storage for all the tools we get. If you would like to help us by building storage devices or sourcing storage, click here!



If you are knowledgeable about non-profit and business and would like to make yourself available for consulting, click here!



We’re looking for someone to put together a bi-weekly newsletter to email to our subscribers. If you have interest or experience in creating newsletters and email campaigns, this is for you!

Click here to sign up!



We are looking for people who know the community to distribute flyers. This would include delivering flyers to houses and building relations with businesses so that we can use them as a contact point for flyers and business cards.

Click here to sign up!



We want to make sure all the tools we have are in working condition for everyone who needs tools. If you would like to help us make sure the tools we have work, click here!


Short Form Video

​​We are looking to add some short form videos to our social media. If you enjoy filming and editing, we could use your help! We are looking to engage and entertain our audience while informing them about tools and the opportunities in our community.

Click here to sign up!



All the tools we get we have to be put into our online library. If you volunteer for this position, you will help us serialize and input tool information into our online library.

Click here to sign up!


Repair & Maintenance

All the tools we have need to be maintained and some need repair before they can be rented. If you are skilled and knowledgeable in this area, click here!


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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